Roche Latvia launches fourth project under Roche 125 year anniversary Wishlist initiative to support chronically ill children

At the end of last year, Roche Latvia, in cooperation with the Latvia’s Children's Hospital Foundation (CHF), launched the project Make a Child's Dream Come True, where everyone can help to make a wish come true for a Children's Hospital patient. The project was implemented as part of Roche's Wishlist initiative, which was launched to celebrate the company's 125th anniversary and gave Roche employees the opportunity to submit various support projects. Seven projects were submitted in Latvia at the launch of the initiative and Make a Child's Dream Come True is the fourth project that has been implemented during the year. Roche Latvia representatives say that solutions will be sought for the implementation of the remaining projects.

Rauls Vēliņš, General Manager of Roche Latvia, points out that the Wishlist initiative was launched as an opportunity for Roche employees around the world to realize important personal dreams or ideas. Also at Roche Latvia, every employee could submit a personal wish.


"We believe that we have to act within our means and not always expect support from the state. With the Wishlist, every employee can leave their mark in Roche's history, culture, and society to continue moving towards a sustainable and healthy future over the next 125 years," says R. Vēliņš about the launch of the initiative.


Among the projects already implemented are the Restoration of the Endangered Black Stork's Nest in autumn 2021, proposed by Rauls Vēliņš, Planting a Forest project in spring 2022 by Dace Butlere, which planted more than 300 seedlings, and Linda Irbe's Teacher Appreciation Event, where teachers from Riga’s 5th Special Primary School Development center, who selflessly worked during the pandemic to help to continue Linda’s daughter's development, took part in a trip to lavender fields – a day off their work duties.


Thus Make a Child's Dream Come True is the fourth project implemented in Latvia with the support of Roche. The initiator of the project, Eva Marksa from Roche Latvia, emphasized the importance of providing positive emotions and bringing joy to young patients. This is especially important in the care of seriously ill patients, who so desperately need faith and hope that everything is possible.


Make a child's dream come true will bring joy to young patients at Latvia’s Children's Hospital who are affected by life-threatening illnesses. For children and families, this project provides an unforgettable experience, enriching and thus improving their quality of life. Children's dreams can be very diverse - for example, spending time with their families, attending an event, buying a toy they want, or meeting someone special," says Eva Marksa.

For more information on the project Make a child's dream come true, please visit

For more information on Roche's social activities, please visit


Roche Latvia calls on other socially responsible companies to create similar projects. Let's make our lives brighter!

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